Walk it out

Apr 11th, 2016

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Category: Wellness

Walk it out

Good morning! Happy Monday!

I’m currently on my journey to my “goal” weight. Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically I have shed pounds, grew stronger and learned a lot. I am learning to embrace the journey, which includes all the road blocks, detours, traffic jams and more. Sometimes I found myself beating myself up about my current weight and then God and others reminded me that I had another baby. The process will take time. Don’t rush the process. Sometimes we need to be reminded. It’s okay. Thank God for the reminders.

The blessing about my journey this go round is that I never stopped living the principles God taught me before. He reminded me of a simple concept that I want to share with you today; WALK IT OUT!

Walk what out? I’m glad you asked. It’s important that you identify your goals and then you walk it out. Take one step at a time. Yes, put one foot in front of the other and walk (literally and figuratively). Don’t spend your nights dreaming and never putting the dream down on paper. Don’t just put a plan on paper and not apply action. You have to WALK IT OUT.

Last week, I joined a “Walking Works” group at my job. I’m on a team with about 11 people. We each are responsible for walking. After we complete our walk (or exercise) we have to log our time into a system so that our total mileage is reflected. We also have the capability to set goals, which is great. But what good would goal setting be if I never got out and walked? What good is walking on behalf of my team if I never track my steps? No matter what your goal is, it’s important to apply ACTION to that goal.

So, what can you do to WALK IT OUT today?

What do you need to WALK out today?

Be encouraged and start walking!


~Nicole L. Ellis

Spiritual Health & Wellness Coach

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